C-reactive Protein Rapid Test

C-reactive Protein (CRP Test) in patient’s sera has been found in association with acute infections, necrotic conditions and a variety of inflammatory disorders. There is a strong correlation between serum levels of CrP and the onset of the inflammatory process. Monitoring the levels of CrP in patient’s sera indicates the effectiveness of treatment and the assessment of patient recovery. It is used in particular to differentiate bacterial infections from virus infections.

CRP Test

Cat. No

Product Description


Kit Size

CE Status




C-reactive protein Rapid Test Dipstick


50 T



10 μg/mL


C-reactive protein Rapid Test Cassette


30 T



10 μg/mL*, 0.5 μg/mL


C-reactive protein Semi-Quantitative Rapid Test Dipstick


50 T



10-40-80 μg/mL


C-reactive protein Semi-Quantitative Rapid Test Cassette


30 T



10-30 μg/mL


C-reactive protein Semi-Quantitative Rapid Test Cassette


30 T



10-40-80 μg/mL


CRP test by Biozek is a remarkable medical tool that plays a vital role in the field of healthcare. It’s a bit like having a detective within your body that helps doctors understand whether there’s an infection or inflammation living inside your body.

What Is a CRP Rapid Test?

Imagine your body as a busy city, and the CRP test is like a specialized surveillance camera. When there is trouble, like a break-in (an infection) or a sudden fire (inflammation), C-Reactive Protein springs into action. It goes up in your blood, and doctors can measure it with a simple blood test. CRP Rapid Tests can also report if an infection is caused by bacteria or a virus, and they help doctors to check if treatments are working.

How Rapid C-Reactive Protein Test Is Perfumed?

Performing a C-Reactive Protein test is a simple, yet very revealing, process. The steps involved are as follows:

Patient Preparation

Ensuring accurate patient identification and preparation is the first stage. The patient will be informed about the test and given permission by a medical expert. Usually, no extra preparations are needed, and the test can be taken whenever it’s convenient for you.

Blood Sample Collection

Usually from an arm vein, a small sample of the patient’s blood is taken. To stop infection, an antiseptic is used to clean the region.

Laboratory Analysis

A laboratory receives a collected blood sample and processes it. The sample undergoes centrifuge treatment in the lab to extract the serum and other components of the blood.

CRP Measurement

The lab staff measure the serum’s C-Reactive Protein levels using special instruments. High-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) tests, which are capable of reliably detecting even low levels of CRP, are usually used for this.

Interpreting the Results

Milligrammes per deciliter of blood, or mg/dL, are the results of the rapid CRP test. In considering the patient’s symptoms and medical history, a healthcare professional will interpret the findings. A higher C-Reactive Protein indicates an infection or inflammation.

What Are The Advantages Of CRP Rapid Test ?

The assessment of a patient’s serum C-RP levels fulfills several important functions:

Identification of Inflammation

When the body is experiencing an inflammatory reaction, CRP test levels increase dramatically. Numerous conditions, including infections, tissue damage, and autoimmune illnesses, may be at fault for this. Clinicians can more easily recognize and diagnose these illnesses by keeping an eye on CRP levels.

Monitoring Response to Treatment

Patients with inflammatory illnesses can have their responses to treatment monitored using the CRP test. Over time, a drop in CRP levels shows that the medication is having the desired impact, and changes can be made as needed.

Evaluation of Patient Recovery

CRP levels in patients tend to go down when they get well from infections or inflammatory diseases. Monitoring these levels can assist establish whether it’s safe to stop treatment and give an understanding of how well the patient is recovering.

Differentiate Between Bacterial and Viral Infections

One of the most remarkable uses of CRP tests is the ability to differentiate between infections that are either bacterial or viral. A more noticeable increase in CRP levels is frequently the outcome of bacterial infections, which helps with accurate diagnosis and therapy selection.

CRP – An Advanced Way To Diagnose Inflammatory Disorder

The rapid CRP test is an indispensable tool in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory disorders. It provides valuable insights into the presence of inflammation, monitors treatment effectiveness, and aids in assessing patient recovery. Biozek offers C-Reactive Protien CRP Test for this purpose. The ability of contemporary medical diagnostics to enhance patient care and results is demonstrated by the C-reactive Protein test.